
Google Docs Clone

Google docs offers real time collaborative editing. This program offers the same thing with a different synchronization method. Google Docs uses Operational Transform(OT) to synchronize users. This project uses a CRDT implementation called YJS to sync users. The app is deployed on the Cloud and offers authentication of users, an Edit UI and document search

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Playlister App

Similar to Spotify, this app allows the user to create playlists, delete them and create accounts. The app includes authentication of users using JWT tokens, persistent storage of playlists and youtube links to songs.

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Telephone Exchange

Multithreaded program to allow communication between telephone units. Using the command utility Telnet, terminals were allowed to send messages to each other in order to faciliate communication. There was one central unit which created telephone units, where each unit was its own thread. Each unit handled creating its own sockets and accepting and binding on ports. Able to handle more than 30 connections at once.

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Nifty tech tag lists fromĀ Wouter Beeftink