Kevin Wei

Hi I’m Kevin Wei and welcome to my website. I am a Junior at Stony Brook majoring in Computer Science and Economics. My current interests in Computer Science lie in Cloud Computing, specifically scalability and architecture design, Systems level programming and Software Engineering. I am currently looking for internships in any of these areas for the summer of 2023. If you have any opportunities in these fields please contact me. Thank you and enjoy my site!



  • Load Balancing
  • Microservices
  • RESTful APIs
Languages, Operating Systems & Tools
  • C++
  • Java
  • Python
  • git
  • linux
  • bash
  • JavaScript
  • Kubernetes
Data Management
  • MongoDB
  • Redis
  • elasticsearch
Containers & Cloud

Google Docs Clone

Google docs offers real time collaborative editing. This program offers the same thing with a different synchronization method. Google Docs uses Operational Transform(OT) to synchronize users. This project uses a CRDT implementation called YJS to sync users. The app is deployed on the Cloud and offers authentication of users, an Edit UI and document search

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Wait! There's more..

See all Projects for more examples!

Technical Writings

A collection of all the technical communications I have done.

- Collaborative Project

Worked in a group to create a presentation on how Stony Brook chairs are detrimental to our health and a distraction from our work. Created survey's and got more than 60 responses.

November 2022

Wait! There's more..

See all Technical Writings for more examples!


Teacher Assistant

Stony Brook

TA for Discrete Mathematics. Responsibilites included: Hosting recitation for about 30 students, holding office hours for 4 hours a week and grading exams for about 130 students

Janurary 2022 - May 2022


Ace Learning

Taught Python and Java to 5th to 8th graders over Zoom. Responsibilites included: Creating assignments to practice problem solving and held 2 classes a week teaching basic Objected Oriented Programming and Data Structures

July 2020 - August 2020


Stony Brook University

Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts
Computer Science and Economics

2020 - 2024

Check out my resume!

Nifty tech tag lists from Wouter Beeftink